When the family system approaches major life transitions or challenges, the harmonious dynamic between its members can be disrupted. Such disruptions can lead to changes in interactions, relationships, and overall family functioning, potentially worsening the well-being of family members. Family therapy can help address these disruptions by working with families to nurture healthy change and development.
Through family therapy, we help direct conversations in a way that supports understanding and cooperation within the family. By fostering open communication and empathy, we can address and resolve the issues that are affecting one or more family members. Our goal is to guide families toward healthier interactions and stronger relationships, ultimately enhancing the well-being of each member.

We can help with family challenges connected with:
  • Family conflict
  • Communication difficulties
  • Family stresses and worries 
  • Divorce or separation 
  • Bereavement
  • Addiction and codependency
  • Chronic illness
  • Mental health difficulties of a family member
Family therapy is usually a short-term and solution-focused process. We start by inviting all members of the family; however, the number of family members who attend each session may vary.
Our family therapy is offered exclusively in a face-to-face format.
Each session lasts about 80 minutes and costs 100 euros.

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